How To Help Your Employees Adjust To Returning To The Office

Denise LeaserBlog, Coronavirus, COVID-19, HR Leaders, Remote Work, Work From HomeLeave a Comment


As the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end, businesses have been handed a choice: do we continue working remotely, or do we transition everyone back into the office? The choice isn’t an easy one. Employees may have a higher satisfaction level working from home but are employers willing to make such a drastic change to their company as to let … Read More

Identifying Hidden Skills In Your Workforce

Denise LeaserBiztools, Blog, Career Fit Assessments, GreatBizTools, HR Leaders, SkillsLeave a Comment


I’m going to start today’s blog off by getting a little more personal than I usually do.  Once, I had an employee who was, shall we say, underperforming. Both by my standards and her own. She wasn’t doing the job to the level I knew she could, and thus she wasn’t getting the praise and promotions that most employees view … Read More

How to Identify Employees Who Will Work Best From Home

Denise LeaserBlog, Career Fit Assessments, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Hiring, Remote Work, Work From HomeLeave a Comment


Working from home is becoming more and more common, but it hasn’t quite expanded to the point where most employees can just decide they’re going to do their job on a remote basis whenever they want. Employers are still making the call. And it’s not necessarily an easy one. How do you know if a given employee is ready to … Read More

Increasing Diversity In Your Hiring Practices

Denise LeaserBlog, Diversity & Inclusion, Fulfilling Careers, Hiring, Remote HiringLeave a Comment


Every employer wants a diverse workforce. The problem is, it takes time and effort to build one. There’s more to it than just searching for employees that you consider to be diverse—to really assemble a team of people with unique skills and life experiences, you’ll have to change up the way that your hiring process works. As someone who has … Read More

Should Employers Provide High-Speed Internet Benefits for Remote Workers?

Denise LeaserBlog, Coronavirus, COVID-19, MyInnerGenius, Remote Hiring, Remote Work, Remote Workers, Telecommuting, Work From HomeLeave a Comment


In a study conducted of 80,000, the number of respondents who said they want to continue working solely from the office was a mere eleven percent. Now that many employees have experienced the realities of working from home, it’s become clear that the arrangement is more beneficial than the traditional on location working that generations prior were bound to. The … Read More

2021 Hiring Trend Report

Denise LeaserBlog, Diversity & Inclusion, Hiring, HR Leaders, Job Candidates, SHRMLeave a Comment


The American workforce is rapidly changing. We’re at the beginning of a new decade, surrounded by overwhelming evolutions in technology, hearing a desperate call for more diversity and inclusion, and on the tail-end of a pandemic that has overhauled what the workday even looks like. A revolution is on the horizon, and we can’t afford to let it hit us … Read More

Why You Should Consider Structured Job Interviews

Denise LeaserBlog, Hiring, Job Candidates, Job Seekers, Pre-Hire AssessmentsLeave a Comment


What is the most common part of the selection process, but the least structured? What part of hiring costs you the most time, even if it only takes half an hour? If you said “interviewing”, you might be an HR professional! For such a critical part of the hiring process, the way that we interview candidates is dreadfully outdated. But … Read More

3 Easy Ways to Start Reducing Hiring Bias

Denise LeaserBlog, Diversity and Inclusion, Hiring, Job Candidates, Job Seekers, Remote Hiring, Remote Work, Skills, Talent AcquisitionLeave a Comment


Let’s engage in a hypothetical: you’re hiring for a project manager. The best candidate is out there. She not only has a solid job history for the position but also has interests and off-the-clock hobbies that make her an ideal choice to fill your role. Over time, you discover the hidden potential in her that makes you believe should easily … Read More

4 Myths About Workforce Assessments

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Blog, Career Fit Assessments, GreatBizTools, Job Seekers, WebAssessLeave a Comment


This past December, GreatBizTools and MyInnerGenius had the honor of being named an IDC Innovator in Virtual Interview and Assessment Technology for Remote Hiring. If you’re interested in reading more, you can check out this press release from Business Wire. This is, of course, a big deal for us, and we thought there was no better time than now to … Read More

3 Ways to Retool For a New Workforce

Denise LeaserBiztools, Blog, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Remote Work, Remote Workers, Work From HomeLeave a Comment


It’s fair to say that 2020 gave us no shortage of surprises, both in our personal and professional lives. While a new year has come and things are slowly returning to a sense of normalcy, some changes brought on by the pandemic aren’t likely to be leaving with it. It’s common to look at big changes from a “for better … Read More

4 Reasons Why Remote Working May Be Here To Stay

Denise LeaserBlog, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Remote Hiring, Remote Work, Remote WorkersLeave a Comment


One of the many unintended side-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been that many workers have finally gotten what they’ve been asking from their companies for so long: the ability to work remotely. Working remotely has long been seen as a privilege, something reserved for higher level or senior employees who could be “trusted” to still remain productive despite not … Read More

Why Assessments Are Better Than Resumes

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Blog, Career Fit Assessments, Career Valuation Tools, Competencies, Hiring, Pre-Hire AssessmentsLeave a Comment


A position has opened at your company, overwhelming your inbox with resumes and CVs from hopeful applicants. It’s a struggle to cut through the chaff and pinpoint the right people, and it gets even harder when you consider this: how much do resumes actually tell you? There’s nothing inherently wrong with a resume, they’re pretty useful for telling whether an … Read More

How Your Job Description May Be Limiting Your Hiring Options

Denise LeaserAbilities, Blog, Competencies, Dream Careers, Employment Interview, Hiring, Job Candidates, Job Seekers, New HiresLeave a Comment


The fundamentals of the hiring process have remained the same for decades. You submit a resume and application, wait to be notified, go through a few rounds of interviews—the first preliminary, the next more in-depth—and then wait to hear a yay or nay. The process hasn’t changed but everything else has and the old, formerly reliable ways of hiring are … Read More

5 Ways Assessments Create a More Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

Denise LeaserBlog, Career Fit Assessments, Diversity and Inclusion, GreatBizTools, Hiring, HR Leaders, MyInnerGeniusLeave a Comment


HR organizations could not have predicted the dramatic impact COVID-19 would have on their employees. From isolation, to anxiety about employment stability, to burnout and a desire to work differently, HR leaders are struggling to understand their employees’ needs, desires and capabilities at a deeper level. Fortunately, modern technology can help with everything from understanding which employees may be flight … Read More

How Assessments Quickly Help People Find Their Dream Careers – “Let’s Talk About Skills Baby” PODCAST

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Blog, Competencies, Denise Leaser, Dream Careers, Fulfilling Careers, Kelly Ryan Bailey, Let's Talk About Skills Baby Podcast, SkillsLeave a Comment


Unbiased assessments can quickly and accurately help people find their dream careers said Denise Leaser, President of GreatBizTools, on the podcast “Let’s Talk About Skills, Baby,” hosted by Kelly Ryan Bailey.

MyInnerGenius Selected for JFFLabs Impact Accelerator

Denise LeaserAbilities, Blog, Career Fit Assessments, Denise Leaser, GreatBizTools, JFF Labs, JFFLabs Assessments Impact Accelerator, Jobs for the Future (JFF), MyInnerGenius, Skills, Technology JobsLeave a Comment


JFFLabs selected the MyInnerGenius assessments system for its Impact Accelerator program, which elevates high-impact solutions for identifying, selecting and supporting talent for entry-level and middle-skill-level jobs, particularly in IT.

JFFLabs Names MyInnerGenius An “Innovator To Watch” With Assessment Systems That Answer Companies’ Surging Talent Needs

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Career Fit Assessments, GreatBizTools, HR Tech, IT Careers, IT Jobs, JFF Labs, Jobs for the Future (JFF), MyInnerGenius, SkillsLeave a Comment


In 2020, JFFLabs named MyInnerGenius assessments from GreatBizTools an “Innovator To Watch,” as part of its overall mission to build a society in which everyone has access to the skills, resources, and credentials they need for economic advancement.