JFFLabs Names MyInnerGenius An “Innovator To Watch” With Assessment Systems That Answer Companies’ Surging Talent Needs

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Career Fit Assessments, GreatBizTools, HR Tech, IT Careers, IT Jobs, JFF Labs, Jobs for the Future (JFF), MyInnerGenius, SkillsLeave a Comment


The world of work is rapidly evolving at a time when 500,000 IT jobs remain unfilled. JFF Labs aims to prepare students and workers for these jobs of the future with new education and training models.

As part of its goals, JFFLabs scans markets each year to identify the most promising work and education technologies poised to generate significant social impact while aligning to specific topic areas such as work-based learning, and assessments.

In 2020, JFFLabs named MyInnerGenius assessments from GreatBizTools as an “Innovator To Watch,” as part of its overall mission to build a society in which everyone has access to the skills, resources, and credentials they need for economic advancement.

MyInnerGenius Assessments Power New Careers

Transformative innovations in cloud computing, big data, and cybersecurity have spurred tremendous growth in IT:

  • 13% growth in jobs in IT industry from 2016-2026
  • 557,100 new jobs in IT by 2026.
  • 194,100 new jobs in IT in 2017 alone

JFFLabs sees this as an opportunity to help young people and individuals in transition access high-quality careers that pay family-supporting wages. But to take advantage of this opportunity, hundreds of thousands of new workers need training over the coming years. Assessment systems, such as MyInnerGenius, paired with IT pre-apprenticeship programs, micro-credentials and digital badges can be particularly effective because they support career exploration, identify candidates most likely to be successful and provide an effective way to get trained, reskilled and upskilled to fill these in-demand jobs quickly.

In its annual market scan, JFFLabs reviews and highlights MyInnerGenius on many factors.

About MyInnerGenius

MyInnerGenius assesses students, employees, and jobseekers for pre-training, workforce rebalancing, and career planning to help them discover the perfect career match regardless of education or background. MyInnerGenius is a product of GreatBizTools, an HR technology company with a 40-year history of helping enterprises and small businesses improve their hiring and skills programs.

Key performance indicators:

  • Candidates who use MyInnerGenius are more than twice as likely to stay in a job.
  • Candidates who use MyInnerGenius are almost 10 times more likely to learn quickly and 3 times more likely to apply that knowledge on the job.
  • Candidates who use MyInnerGenius are almost 2.5 times as likely to be more effective on the job.

Why now?

Powerful forces like automation and AI are driving sweeping changes to the world of work and the skills that companies need to compete. These changes represent potential market demand and a meaningful social impact opportunity for MyInnerGenius.

What is MyInnerGenius’s competitive edge? Why will they succeed?

Career fit assessments are the best way to identify innate skills, abilities and personality traits to match people to careers they will love. MyInnerGenius CareerFit is a new science-based, non-biased solution that can assess cognitive skills, abilities and personality traits, and knowledge, regardless of education level, to identify the jobs that people were born to do. Resumes tell you where someone has been–MyInnerGenius tells you where they can go by identifying their potential.

What’s their big vision? What does that/success look like for MyInnerGenius?

MyInnerGenius focuses on helping people as well as businesses. We work with companies with initiatives to help people get started in new careers.

Help your employees future-proof their careers with a FREE TRIAL OF MYINNERGENIUS HERE.


Post image and the “2020 Assessment Tech JFF Labs Report” are Copyright © Jobs for the Future, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

About GreatBizTools

Headquartered in Florida, GreatBizTools is an HR technology company with a 40-year history helping enterprises and small businesses improve their hiring and skills programs. GreatBizTools is the developer of WebAssess®, an online pre-hire assessment tool used by many of the leading brands and Fortune 500 companies. MyInnerGenius®, also developed by GreatBizTools, is an HR tech innovation which uses cognitive tools to help match employees and students to careers which complement their innate skills and abilities.

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