Why Salesforce is betting on edtech to create economic opportunities for the future workforce

Denise LeaserBlog, Career Fit Assessments, Denise Leaser, EdTech, GreatBizTools, Job Seekers, Jobs for the Future (JFF), Salesforce.com, SHRMLeave a Comment


When Salesforce.com recently donated $1.2 million to Jobs for the Future (JFF), they put a stake in the ground: They want to facilitate economic opportunity for the future workforce — and they want to do it in a scalable way.

“One of my favorite things about JFF is that they are constantly seeking out and supporting innovations in the workforce development space, and leveraging their networks to bring nonprofit organizations, employers, funders, and education institutions together to explore new ideas,” Ebony Beckwith, Executive Vice President & Chief Philanthropy Officer at Salesforce.com, said.

An Ed-Tech Innovation: Career Fit Assessments

One of those innovations is MyInnerGenius, an ed tech innovation which is helping JFF achieve the vision outlined by Salesforce.com. In less than an hour, MyInnerGenius can identify candidates’ innate skills, abilities, and personality traits, regardless of experience, education or circumstances. The program removes the bias inherent in many programs by shielding the candidate’s gender, education and other biographical information, so the screener can focus purely on skills and abilities.

After candidates complete the assessment, the program identifies careers they will love. The program then aligns career recommendations to training and career opportunities provided by companies. Participants get meaningful, actionable results so they can get started in a new career that fits their skills, abilities and desires.

Increasing Employee Retention and Productivity

The program has been validated to reduce attrition and costs. Candidates who use MyInnerGenius are almost twice as likely to stay in a job, and two and a half times more likely to be effective on the job.

MyInnerGenius is a product of GreatBizTools, an HR technology company with a 40-year history of helping enterprises and small businesses improve their hiring and skills programs. MyInnerGenius focuses on helping people, as well as businesses. The company is working on an initiative with IBM to help people get started in new careers in IT.

“Many people are in the wrong careers and don’t realize they are within reach of a better job. Most just need a few skills. Others don’t even know where to begin, what kind of career they should seek, and how to get there. Working with JFF, we’re going to change that and help people find careers they will love, careers that will enrich their lives,” says Denise Leaser, a SHRM Senior Certified Professional and president of GreatBizTools, the developer of MyInnerGenius.

Creating a more inclusive, diverse workforce

In 2020, JFF is partnering with MyInnerGenius to identify prospects with non-STEM backgrounds who have the capacity to be successful in IT roles. That includes creating opportunities for low- and middle-skill workers to train in high-growth areas.

“Because it can shield biographical data from the candidate screener, companies can use MyInnerGenius to remove inherent bias in the candidate selection process,” Denise said. “When you focus on skills, abilities and personality traits, you can create a vibrant, diverse and inclusive workforce.”

Contact WebAssess to Help Discover What People Do Best

Contact us to learn more about how MyInnerGenius provides jobseekers, including those with long-term unemployment, refugees, asylum seekers and veterans, with the training, personalized coaching and experiential learning they need to re-enter the workforce. You can reach us by completing our CONTACT form.

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