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GlobalInterview is the secret ingredient in an unbiased hiring process
GlobalInterview helps companies uncover people's hidden skills, abilities, talents and potential. Too many interviews are a waste of time and do not uncover what someone really can do. The interview is often the most costly part of the interview process -- and often the most overlooked. Focusing your interview on the information that matters will save you time and money and ensure a more equitable, fair hiring process that identifies your ideal candidates.

Did you know that...?
- Common sense, intuition, and interviewing experience do not seem to make much difference in helping interviewers make better employment decisions.
- Interviewers tend to talk more than applicants, to gather mostly biographical information, to make hasty judgments, and to be influenced by their biases.
- Most interviewers tend to be influenced more by first impressions than by factual information provided by applicants later in the interview.
- You can increase your chances of selecting the best employees by using multiple interviews and then sharing your observations and evaluations.
A bad employment interview isn't worth the effort
Most employment interviews are a waste of time and money. Casual employment interviews generally do not improve upon chance.
Our structured employment interview tools will help you to:
- Minimize the costs of hiring low performers
- Gather the right kind of information and make better hiring decisions
- Become more efficient and save valuable time
- Overcome interview pitfalls
- Feel more confident and in control as an interviewer
- Decrease the risk of litigation due to unfair selection practices

How do we help companies discover the best people?
Even though it's the most commonly used selection procedure, the employment interview is the least standardized and the most subjective. Research indicates that interviews, as they are typically conducted, are practically a waste of time. Studies also show that employment interviews are not inherently flawed, but that the problems stem from how interviews are usually conducted.
How much do you know about asking good job questions?
You may be an experienced interviewer, but ask yourself what you really know about behavioral interviewing. Research has uncovered an amazing amount of information on how to conduct effective employment interviews. Unfortunately, most people haven't used the findings to improve the way they interview applicants.
Employment tests don't tell you everything you need to know about applicants. So it's a good idea to enhance the total selection process with a structured behavioral interview, which can shed additional light on applicants. Employment interviews can make a big difference, but only if they're done right.

Sharp employment interview questions help you hit your targets
Research has shown that an effective employment interview is not a conversation. Instead, it's a methodical process for gathering information to make predictions about people's job success.
Most interviews conducted today are casual and unstructured. The typical job interview reveals very little about applicants and doesn't help you make sound employment decisions. The only way to make the interview work in your favor is to treat it as a test. This means that you need to ask structured interview questions that solicit relevant information, which can be used for making informed hiring decisions.
Fast & Easy
Customize to match your needs
We can add recommended questions for your roles or you can choose your own
Provide links to the interviews
Use a custom signup page or send individual or bulk invitations to candidates to access their interviews
Evaluate candidates
Upon completion of the interview, you can evaluate the candidates, compare candidates and review reports