Assessments Can Strengthen Your Interns

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Blog, Hiring, HR Leaders, Job Candidates, Job Seekers, MyInnerGeniusLeave a Comment


You might question this by saying “Interns are only around for six months, at the most. Why put all this effort into finding ‘the right one?’” To which I would say that you’re correct: an intern is typically only around for the length of a semester or maybe a little longer—which is why you should seek to maximize the time … Read More

The Skills Gap: Four Things You Need to Know

Denise LeaserBadges, Blog, Career Fit Assessments, Jobs for the Future (JFF), New Hires, SkillsLeave a Comment


What is the skills gap? The skills gap is the oncoming—or, in some cases, already here—gap between the skills current employees have and the skills they’ll actually need to perform a job skill they actually need to perform a job well.” or “skills they’ll actually need to perform a job well in the future. Many industries are soon to find … Read More

How Micro-Credentials Can Shape the Future Workforce

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Blog, Hiring, Micro-Credentials, MyInnerGenius, New Hires, SkillsLeave a Comment


We’ve talked before about how digital credentials like badges can be a wonderful alternative to a traditional college education, something that might not be an option for all people. The business world has already started to adopt digital badges to help upskill their workforces, with tech giants like Google and Salesforce having their own internal badging strategies. Many colleges too, … Read More