3 Tips for Managing a Hybrid Workforce

Denise LeaserBlog, HR Leaders, Remote Hiring, Remote Work, Remote Workers, Telecommuting, Work From HomeLeave a Comment


It’s anticipated that soon, as much as 50% of the American workforce will, in some form, be working remotely—and that’s a lot, but it doesn’t account for all employees. Most companies will not go entirely virtual, but rather adopt a hybrid model that will allow for both remote and on-location work. How this split will happen is down to the … Read More

Digital Badges: 5 Industries You Can Break Into Through Badging

Denise LeaserBadges, Biztools, Blog, Career Valuation Tools, Competencies, Fulfilling CareersLeave a Comment


The average cost of a year of college education in the United States is currently a little over $20,000—bringing it up to about $85,000 for the standard, four-year degree. It’s because of rising costs that many students are locked out of higher education; unable to receive highly sought-after scholarships and unwilling to take on a high amount of sometimes predatory … Read More

Digital Badges and Digital Certifications: What’s the Difference?

Denise LeaserBadges, Blog, Competencies, Fulfilling Careers, Hiring, Job SeekersLeave a Comment


So, you’re thinking of going after some digital credentials to expand your skills repertoire and go after a much-desired promotion. Or, perhaps, you don’t have a college degree, but you do have the skills to make it in an emerging industry where you would excel. Digital credentials like badges and certifications are becoming more and more popular for both job … Read More

Are Diversity Initiatives Really Working?

Denise LeaserBlog, Democratized Workforces, Diversity & Inclusion, HR Leaders, Non-Biased Assessments, ValuesLeave a Comment


Frequently in today’s news, we’ll hear about massive companies unveiling diversity initiatives meant to promote equal and more inclusive hiring practices. These are, on the surface, good things. But when you dig a little deeper, how much of these grand announcements are coming from a place of genuine understanding about the need for diversity in the workforce, and how much … Read More