A Digital Badge Could Be the Beginning of Your Career

Denise LeaserBadges, Blog, Career Fit Assessments, Career Valuation Tools, CompetenciesLeave a Comment


The cost of formal education is increasing. As of 2020, only 33% of Americans graduate from college, with the rising expenses cited as the foremost reason that students don’t complete their education. Sooner or later—and it’s looking like sooner, if the predictions of a skills gap epidemic by 2030 turn out to be true—the lack of accessibility to education will … Read More

The 3 Ways to Build a Diverse Workforce That Everyone Ignores

Denise LeaserBlog, Diversity & Inclusion, MyInnerGenius, Remote Hiring, SkillsLeave a Comment


When you think of somebody who is diverse, what do you think of? Chances are you pictured somebody of a different race, right? This isn’t a coincidence—we’re shaped by the media that we consume, and the media typically, and unfortunately, uses “diverse” and “person of color” interchangeably.  But does being Black or Asian automatically make you “diverse”? People may share … Read More

Will Summer Vacation Ruin Your Employee’s Productivity?

Denise LeaserBlog, Competencies, Employment Interview, Fulfilling Careers, Remote WorkLeave a Comment


It’s summer vacation. The sun is out, the kids are home, and your employees are working from home. The days of having the summers off are far in the past and they’ve still got the same amount of work to accomplish, whether the kids are home or not. What is this going to do for their productivity? When we choose … Read More

5 Simple Facts You Need to Know About Badges

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Badges, Blog, Job Seekers, Pre-Hire Assessments, SkillsLeave a Comment


If you’re in the hiring sphere, you’ve no doubt been hearing a lot about digital badges. They’re becoming increasingly common as the cost of college rises and people more frequently pursue new careers mid-life. So what are they? Essentially, a digital badge is proof of a demonstrated skill. If you want to prove you’re an expert in Photoshop, you can … Read More