4 Myths About Workforce Assessments

Denise LeaserAssessment Tools, Blog, Career Fit Assessments, GreatBizTools, Job Seekers, WebAssessLeave a Comment


This past December, GreatBizTools and MyInnerGenius had the honor of being named an IDC Innovator in Virtual Interview and Assessment Technology for Remote Hiring. If you’re interested in reading more, you can check out this press release from Business Wire. This is, of course, a big deal for us, and we thought there was no better time than now to … Read More

3 Ways to Retool For a New Workforce

Denise LeaserBiztools, Blog, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Remote Work, Remote Workers, Work From HomeLeave a Comment


It’s fair to say that 2020 gave us no shortage of surprises, both in our personal and professional lives. While a new year has come and things are slowly returning to a sense of normalcy, some changes brought on by the pandemic aren’t likely to be leaving with it. It’s common to look at big changes from a “for better … Read More