How Your Job Description May Be Limiting Your Hiring Options

Denise LeaserAbilities, Blog, Competencies, Dream Careers, Employment Interview, Hiring, Job Candidates, Job Seekers, New HiresLeave a Comment


The fundamentals of the hiring process have remained the same for decades. You submit a resume and application, wait to be notified, go through a few rounds of interviews—the first preliminary, the next more in-depth—and then wait to hear a yay or nay. The process hasn’t changed but everything else has and the old, formerly reliable ways of hiring are … Read More

5 Ways Assessments Create a More Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

Denise LeaserBlog, Career Fit Assessments, Diversity and Inclusion, GreatBizTools, Hiring, HR Leaders, MyInnerGeniusLeave a Comment


HR organizations could not have predicted the dramatic impact COVID-19 would have on their employees. From isolation, to anxiety about employment stability, to burnout and a desire to work differently, HR leaders are struggling to understand their employees’ needs, desires and capabilities at a deeper level. Fortunately, modern technology can help with everything from understanding which employees may be flight … Read More