Request a free demo and find out how you can have a more inclusive, diverse and equitable workforce!

How do we help companies discover the best people?

MyInnerGenius career fit assessments help people discover what they do best with careers that match their natural skills, abilities and personality -- regardless of education or background.

Companies use MyInnerGenius Assessments to:

  • Rebalance their workforce
  • Identify the best roles for applicants
  • Reduce resources
  • Decrease attrition

Our system will provide a list of customized job roles, training or career options that will be a great fit for your candidates

How do we help people discover what they do best?

Students and job seekers use MyInnerGenius to find careers or job roles they will love. MyInnerGenius goes beyond aptitudes and interests to match people using a science-based, non-biased approach to assess cognitive skills, abilities and personality traits to:

  • Improve training outcomes
  • Increase career placements
  • Improve retention
  • Increase job satisfaction
Students will receive targeted recommendations for the roles in which they will excel.

Matching the right people to the right jobs goes beyond profits. It helps the entire community.

By using non-biased, structured tools instead of resumes, you ensure you are assessing someone's job-related competencies -- the things that really matter and not the things that can introduce bias.

By focusing on job-related competencies, you create more opportunities for people that might have been screened out due to bias. This means you will have the right people with the right skills in the right roles and have a more diverse and inclusive workforce that is better positioned to meet your organizational objectives.

When you help align people’s innate skills, abilities and personality with their careers, they are more successful, their self-esteem increases, their earning potential increases, their future is brighter and even their relationships with customers, co-workers, friends and family improves.


Fast & Easy

  • Customize to match your needs

    We can add recommended training paths, job postings -- any type of feedback or next steps you would like your employees, candidates or students to receive.

  • Provide links to the assessment

    Use a custom signup page or send individual or bulk invitations to candidates to access the assessment page.

  • Review reports and coach

    Upon completion of the assessment, you can review the recommended career paths with your candidates.


Did you know that when you combine cognitive tests with personality assessments, the validity increases incrementally by almost 300% over cognitive tests alone

A good career match reduces time to productivity and delivers revenue and cost savings


Employers save 20% of salary costs in turnover costs, not including the higher cost of employing poor performers

Making sure people have what it takes -- translates into greater success in training and on the job


A science-based, non-biased approach to match skills and personality to careers -- making sure they will love what they do